The Blues Saves Lives!
Do you believe in magic????! After last Sunday’s Blues Against Hunger Society Jamboree, I absolutely do!! What an incredible day of music we experienced! But first things first…the FOOD DONATIONS!!!
We collected 356 lbs. of beautiful food that will truly change lives in your own communities. Over 420 families and children, and approximately 23 orphanages are the grateful recipients of your generosity.
Our rockin' BAHS community partners that we cherish are: La Mision Children’s Fund * Helping Hands * Feeding Rosarito * Hearts of Baja * ACIFAC San Felipe. BAHS can not do this work with out the Community Partners - THANK YOU!
The raffle ticket proceeds go towards purchasing fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy and other staples for a healthy diet. We know how much you love our raffles and we thank you for purchasing tickets each show. Our beautiful raffle prizes were donated by: John Larsen, Barbara Lincoln, Joyce Lawrence and Rachel Pack.
The music…oh the MUSIC!! What a treat we all experienced. The Stoney B Blues Band. Stoney B is a world-renowned blues musician who has played with the greats, and his band was right up there with him making magic! And a most special shout-out to our own Phillip Singletary. Your saxophone added another layer that did not go unnoticed!! Also the new guy on the block - thanks to Tadg Galleran for the keys and harmonica additions and to Mopar Murray… you killed! To all of our talented musicians that made the day such a treat, we thank you

And to the beautiful Vista Hermosa Resort, thank you for being a BIG part of our BAHS family!!
We thank all of you fabulous people for your unending support to help us end hunger. No one should ever go hungry and you are the change that we strive for. Gracias 💕.
If you missed this show - don't miss any other! Check out the Summer Schedule:
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