Cheers to BAHS volunteers🎉!!!
Photo by Linda C Daly

Cheers to all Blues Against Hunger volunteers!!!!!

"Volunteering at my local BAHS Jamboree brings me so much joy. It is truly fulfilling to connect with my community through music and at the same time helping to provide our neighbors with food on their tables." BAHS Volunteer - Barbara Lincoln

Volunteer as a BAHS greeter at the food weight station, helping sell merchandise, and / or jam with the BAHS band. Now is the time to join The BAHS Squad - Helping get the food to families - Get Involved Today! You know what they say — time spent with family is time well spent. So get the entire family involved and take advantage of the positive benefits of giving back.

Blues Against Hunger Society
>> Ready to volunteer, but don't know where to start? <<

With gratitude, Rachel Pack --
Founder & Bass Player Blues Against Hunger Society

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