MAY 19 - Chet Cannon Fighting Hunger on Harmonica

You are invited to the BLUES AGAINST HUNGER Sunday Jam concert * RESERVE YOUR SEATS * 2PM - 5PM to KM43 on MAY 19, 2019. The Blues Blues Against Hunger Jamboree Special Guest is Chet Cannon (San Diego Biggest Blues Shouter), Harmonica Player from San Deigo. EVERYONE is WELCOME to come out dance and have a swingin' good time. Bring a non-perishable food donation to help HEARTS OF BAJA - music, and meals heal. All Blues Jammers Welcome! RESERVE YOUR SEATS!
Chet is also the editor and publisher of Good Blues Update, San Diego independent blues publication since 1999.
Rachel Pack, Chet Cannon, Mary Cannon, Sixx Pack
at Blues Against Hunger in Rosarito Beach,Baja California Mexico, 2015.
Blues Against Hunger FOOD DRIVE Jam:
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